Principal Designer
PD — Principal Designer services
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 requires that responsibility for health and safety standards is shared by all parties participating in a construction project. To help comply with these legal requirements and optimise site health and safety, Derisk’s health and safety consultants provide a complete range of Principal Designer services.
In order to ensure satisfactory health & safety and design risk management throughout its design and pre-construction phases, the client for any commercial projects with more than two contractors instructed must appoint a Principal Designer. In our capacity as appointed Principal Designer, our responsibilities include:
Pre-construction phase
Planning, management and coordination of all health and safety matters to secure the health & safety of all persons affected by the works.
Pre-construction information
Assisting the client in the provision of all legally required pre-construction information and, as far as can reasonably be controlled, proving this information to all of the project’s prospective or appointed designers and contractors.
Risk control
Identification, control and, where reasonably practicable, elimination of health and safety risks to any individual involved in, or potentially affected by, construction work, cleaning or maintenance, or working within the structure by ensuring full cooperation between the Principal Designer, the client, and all parties involved in the pre-construction phase.
Pre-construction cooperation
Ensuring full cooperation between the Principal Designer, the client, and all parties involved in the pre-construction phase.
Construction phase
Construction design management to oversee general principles of prevention and any construction phase plan that’s in place, ensuring the Health & Safety file is produced and regularly updated throughout the works for handover at project completion.
Construction liaison
Full liaison with the principal contractor throughout our appointment as the project’s Principal Designer. Responsibilities include coordination of all construction phase health and safety matters and the provision of all information relating to the project’s planning, management and monitoring phases.