Greenwich Millennium Village
London SE10
principal designer services
£ 3.2 million
Greenwich Millennium Village Management Ltd
Delivered by
Project details
Derisk have a long-standing relationship with APA, who act as a contract administrator for various clients. We have been the principal designer on many of their residential and office refurbishment schemes across London and the South East of England.
On this occasion, we were successful in tendering to undertake the role of principal designer with regard to the external repair and redecoration works to Greenwich Millennium Village, London.
Scope of works
The scope of works for the scheme comprised the external repairs and redecoration of six separate blocks with 150 flats. The works were split between two contractors and included the full repairs and redecoration of the building fabric, such as timber repairs to the windows, redecoration of the timber weatherboarding and the cleaning of the rendered façade.
For this scheme, our role as principal designer consisted of the following:
- planning, managing and monitoring the pre-construction phase
- ensuring that works were reasonably practicable and that risks were eliminated or controlled through design work. We monitored and organised design risk workshops at agreed project work stages
- production of a coordinated design risk register showing all identified risks
- design reviews and focused workshops on selected packages to ensure that design risk management continued throughout the construction phase
- ensuring cooperation and coordination through a pre-planned design phase including all design disciplines
- ensuring that designers complied with contractor duties and that design risk workshops addressed all disciplines – each party was fully identified and risks eliminated from their design
- assisting the client in preparing the pre-construction information pack and preparing the Health and Safety file.
Derisk as an organisation I found highly professional. Their team were committed to ensuring the success of all projects that they have worked on for us and continue to do so with ongoing projects. They ensure that any potential issues are raised at the earliest possible time and provide workable solutions.William Green, Greenwich Millennium Village